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Dominic Ng

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of East West Bancorp, Inc. and East West Bank

Key Experience/Director Qualifications

As the Chief Executive Officer of the largest independent bank headquartered in Southern California, Mr. Ng brings to Mattel’s Board significant experience in leadership, strategy, business development, and global business. He also has valuable experience in dealing with complex accounting principles and judgments, internal controls, financial reporting rules and regulations, and evaluating financial results and financial reporting processes of large companies. Mr. Ng transformed East West Bank from a small savings and loan association based in Los Angeles into a large, full-service commercial bank with differentiated focus on the United States and China markets. Mr. Ng’s extensive experience conducting business in China adds an extremely valuable perspective to Mattel’s Board considering Mattel’s manufacturing presence in China and emerging markets initiatives, which include China. He also brings to Mattel’s Board extensive business and governmental relationships in the State of California and the greater metropolitan area of Los Angeles, where Mattel is headquartered.



Director Since:


Mattel Committee Memberships

Finance Committee (Chair), Audit Committee, Executive Committee

Career Highlights

East West Bancorp, Inc. and East West Bank, a global bank based in California

  • Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board since 1992
  • President (1992 – 2009)

Seyen Investment, Inc., a private family investment business

  • President (1990 – 1992)

Deloitte & Touche LLP, an accounting firm

  • Certified Public Accountant (1980 – 1990)

Other Public Company Directorships

  • East West Bancorp, Inc. since 1992; also Chairman since 1992
  • PacifiCare Health Systems, Inc. (2003 – 2005)
  • ESS Technology, Inc. (1998 – 2004)

Additional Leadership Experience and Service

  • Trustee, University of Southern California since 2014
  • Trustee, Academy Museum of Motion Pictures since 2018
  • Chair, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council since 2022
  • Director of the following nonprofit entities and government organizations: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco – Los Angeles Branch (2005 – 2011); California Bankers Association (previously 2002 – 2011, 2016 – 2017); Chairman, Committee of 100 (2011 – 2014); The United Way of Greater Los Angeles (2006 – 2014); Pacific Council on International Policy (2010 – 2013); and Los Angeles' Mayor's Trade Advisory Council as Co-Chair (2009 – 2011)


Corporate Citizenship/ESG


Finance, Accounting, or Financial Reporting

Human Capital Management


International/Global Operations

Senior Leadership

Career Highlights

Credo Partners AS,

An investment firm focusing on mid-size companies

• Head of Denmark since October 2019


A toy retailer in the Nordic market

• Chief Executive Officer (April 2016 – January 2018)

LEGO Systems, Inc.,

The Americas division of the family-owned and privately-held The LEGO Group, a toy company based in Denmark

• President (January 2004 – March 2016)

The Lego Company

• Senior Vice President, Europe North and Europe East (April 2000 – December 2003)

• Senior Vice President, Special Markets (1999 – 2000)

• Vice President/General Manager, LEGO New Zealand (1995 – 1999)

Additional Leadership Experience and Service

• Interim Executive Director, Mattel (October 2018 – September 2019)

• Advisor, American Toy Industry Association since 2014; also served as Chairman (2012 – 2014)

and Board Member at large since 2004

• Director, A.T. Cross, R.I (2014 – 2016)

• Board member, Varier Furniture A/S Oslo since 2015; also serves as Chairman since 2019

• Director, LEGO Children’s Fund (2010 – 2016)

• Director, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (2008 – 2016); also served on Executive and Strategy Task Force Committee

• Advisor, AVT Business School since 2018

• Director, Patentrenewals.com since 2018

• Director, Isabella A/S since 2018

• Board member, Postevand Aps since 2015; also serves as Chairman since 2019 • Chairman, BørneRiget Fonden since 2020

• Board Member, BoeBeauty (2020 – 2022)